The Orange Blossom Market Co. Experience
vendor & company Policies
All vendors must complete a Vendor Profile prior to applying for a market. It is the vendors responsibility to keep profiles up to date.
OBMco. must approve all products intended to sell at applied for market. Should your product or business change you must notify OBMco. and obtain approval prior to market date.
Application approvals will be emailed from sheena@orangeblossommarketco.com. Approvals will include payment information, graphics, and event links. No one will send you a pm asking for money representing OBMco.
Payment to secure vendor space is due within 48 hours of approval and is Non-refundable or transferable. By making your payment you agree to our policies. After 48 hours we reserve the right to release your space for the next vendor.
Exclusivity will only apply to 3rd party vendors that have a company policy preventing more than one.
Unloading & set up procedures will be sent via email 2-4 days prior to the event.
Vendors are required to stay through the duration of the market. Breaking down early, and no call-no show will result in the forfeit of future participation with OBMco. with no refund. If you have an emergency, please alert OBMco. immediately.
Approved vendors will be expected to share event details to their social media following, and email list. Graphics will be provided at no cost; personal graphics or events are allowed to be created; all traffic will need to be sent to original event link.
Our markets are not a flea market or garage sale. You are to keep your booth and surrounding area organized, clean, professional, and clear of trash during the event. Festive decor is encouraged for themed events, but not required unless specified in the application.
No disposable/plastic tablecloths are permitted. If items will be stored under your tables, tablecloths must be floor length.
Only Straight leg tents are approved. White tents or logo tents are preferred, unless noted in the application.
Your canopy shall be fully secured before setting up anything else.
Be sure that your method of securing your canopy to the ground does not create an additional hazard. Use approved straps to secure canopy weights.
Your tent must be secured with weights to sustains 40mph gusts of wind. You may be asked to not use your tent for the market if proper equipment is not being utilized for the safety of vendors and guests.
Tent weights must be fastened to the tent using adjustable fasteners at all four corners of each 10x10. Suitable fasteners include ratchet straps and Velcro, while bungee cords and rubber cords are not approved for this purpose.
Water jugs, coolers, merchandise displays and racks, and bricks are not approved tent weights.
Vendors are responsible for any damages caused by their tents, equipment, or staff. Insurance Policies may be requested.
No encroaching is allowed into other vendor’s spaces, you may fully utilize the space paid for.
Any literature for the guests must be picked up from your booth space. No items will be handed out by walking around the market or left at market location. There is to be no yelling at guests to visit your booth. Please be courteous to our guests and your neighboring vendors.
Vendors and their staff will come dressed appropriately for the event.
Vendors and their staff are not ok permitted to smoke on market grounds. Utilize the vendor parking area.
Children under the age of 12 must have a caregiver during market hours. No children under the age of 18 may be left unattended.
Only silent generators are approved for FOOD AND DRINK VENDORS. Non silent generators will be asked to be turned off. No electricity is provided unless permission is specifically requested and approved.
NO animals are allowed with the exception of service animals.
No amplification, music devices, or music is allowed in your booth during market hours or when guests are present.
Valuables should not be left unattended. OBMco. does not assume responsibility for theft, damage or other loss of Vendor’s property or possessions.
You are responsible for removing all trash from assigned booth and area after the close of the event to the designated area.
All vendors will conduct themselves in a professional and friendly manor throughout the event, keeping OBMco. core values in mind. A verbal, and/or a written warning will be extended should a problem arise. If behavior continues, vendors will be asked to immediately breakdown belongings and leave the market. Vehicles will not be permitted to enter the market area. Physical, or the threat to physical harm, will result in your immediate removal of the event and future events. Vendors items will be immediately secured by OBMco. staff and will be available for pickup at the conclusion of the event.
WEATHER POLICY: Every OBMco. event or market is rain or shine. When lightning strikes within 10 miles of the market it will close for the safety of guests and vendors if there is 1 or more hours left of the event. If more than one house is left, vendors will be instructed of where they can safely wait for the markets reopening or can voluntarily leave. OBMco. staff will keep a constant eye on weather radar, keeping guest and vendors safety as a top priority. We encourage vendors to be prepared for swift changes in weather for every event. Proper tent weights, plastic sheeting to cover product, and side walls are just a few suggestions.
Sexual Harassment towards a vendor or guest from any OBMco. employee, volunteer, or representative will not be tolerated. OBMco. is committed to take action if it learns of possible sexual harassment, even if the individual does not wish to file a formal complaint. Some examples, but not limited to, include: Verbal: Jokes, insults, and innuendoes; threats; degrading sexual remarks; whistling; cat calls; comments on a person's body or sex life; or pressures for sexual favors; participating in derogatory or insulting gossip.
Additional policies and terms or updates can become immediately effective with no notice.
We appreciate your cooperation in helping us maintain a welcoming and enjoyable atmosphere for all vendors and guests at Orange Blossom Market Co.
It's heartbreaking to hear that many small businesses in Central Florida have had their markets canceled due to the bad weather. These businesses were depending on the markets to sell their products and generate income. As a result, they are now in a challenging position. However, there is something we can do to help them.
If you see a small business posting this weekend, please support them! By buying their products, you are not only helping them financially, but you are also showing them that their hard work and dedication are appreciated. For instance, there are bakers who have spent this week baking, icing cookies, and packaging treats for the market. They have put a lot of time and effort into their products, and it would be a shame to let them go to waste.
Let's come together as a community and support our local small businesses during this difficult time. We can make a difference and help them get back on their feet.
It's no secret that small businesses have been hit hard by the pandemic, and recent weather conditions have only made things worse. Many of these businesses were relying on markets this weekend to make sales and bring in much-needed revenue. However, the rain and thunderstorms have forced many of these events to cancel, leaving these small businesses in a challenging position.
One group of small business owners who have been particularly affected are bakers. These talented individuals have spent countless hours this week baking, icing cookies, and packaging treats in preparation for the markets. Now, all of their hard work may go to waste if they can't find customers to purchase their goods.
If you're looking for a way to support these small businesses, consider checking out their social media pages and websites to see if they're offering any special deals or discounts this weekend. By purchasing from them, you'll be helping to keep their businesses afloat during these difficult times. Remember, every little bit helps, and your support can make all the difference.